Azure Private Link in Azure Pipeline Linux Agent Not Resolving: Unraveling the Mystery
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Azure Private Link in Azure Pipeline Linux Agent Not Resolving: Unraveling the Mystery

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Are you tired of banging your head against the wall, trying to figure out why your Azure private link is not resolving in your Azure pipeline Linux agent? Well, you’re in luck because we’re about to dive into the depths of this issue and emerge victorious on the other side!

Before we dive into the problem, let’s quickly cover what Azure private link is. Azure private link is a service that enables you to access Azure services and Azure-hosted customer/partner services over a private endpoint in your virtual network. This means you can access these services without exposing them to the public internet, reducing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.

So, you’ve set up your Azure private link, and it’s working beautifully in your local environment. However, when you try to access it from your Azure pipeline Linux agent, it refuses to resolve. You’ve checked the DNS settings, ensured that the private endpoint is properly configured, and even tried sacrificing a few cups of coffee to the coding gods. But, alas, nothing seems to work.

Why Does This Happen?

The reason behind this issue lies in the way Azure pipeline Linux agents handle DNS resolution. By default, these agents use a DNS service that doesn’t support private DNS zones. This means that when your pipeline tries to access the private link, the DNS service can’t resolve the private endpoint, resulting in a frustrating ” unable to resolve” error.

Solution 1: Use a Custom DNS Server

One way to overcome this issue is to use a custom DNS server that supports private DNS zones. You can do this by creating a new DNS server in your virtual network and configuring it to forward requests to the Azure DNS service.

Here’s an example of how you can create a custom DNS server using Azure DNS:

# Create a new DNS server
az network dns server create --name MyDnsServer --resource-group MyResourceGroup

# Create a new DNS zone
az network dns zone create --name MyPrivateZone --resource-group MyResourceGroup

# Create a new DNS record set
az network dns record-set a create --name MyPrivateEndpoint --zone-name MyPrivateZone --resource-group MyResourceGroup --ttl 3600

# Update the DNS record set with the private IP address
az network dns record-set a update --name MyPrivateEndpoint --zone-name MyPrivateZone --resource-group MyResourceGroup --set-ip-addresses ""

Once you’ve set up the custom DNS server, you can configure your Azure pipeline Linux agent to use it. You can do this by adding the following code to your pipeline YAML file:

  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'

  - task: AzureCLI@1
    displayName: ' Azure CLI '
      azureSubscription: $(azureSubscription)
      scriptType: 'bash'
      script: |
        # Configure the DNS server
        sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null <

Solution 2: Use a Proxy Server

Another way to resolve this issue is to use a proxy server that can forward requests to the private endpoint. You can set up a proxy server using an Azure virtual machine or a containerized solution like NGINX.

Here's an example of how you can set up a proxy server using NGINX:

# Create a new NGINX container
sudo docker run -d --name myproxy -p 8080:8080 nginx:latest

# Configure the proxy server
sudo docker exec -it myproxy bash
echo "http {
    upstream private_endpoint {

    server {
        listen 8080;

        location / {
            proxy_pass http://private_endpoint;
            proxy_set_header Host $host;
            proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
}" > /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

# Restart the proxy server
sudo docker restart myproxy

Once you've set up the proxy server, you can configure your Azure pipeline Linux agent to use it. You can do this by adding the following code to your pipeline YAML file:

  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'

  - task: AzureCLI@1
    displayName: ' Azure CLI '
      azureSubscription: $(azureSubscription)
      scriptType: 'bash'
      script: |
        # Configure the proxy server
        export http_proxy=http://myproxy:8080
        export https_proxy=http://myproxy:8080

Solution 3: Use Azure DNS Private Resolver

Azure DNS Private Resolver is a service that enables you to resolve private DNS zones from on-premises networks and Azure virtual networks. You can use this service to resolve the private endpoint from your Azure pipeline Linux agent.

Here's an example of how you can set up Azure DNS Private Resolver:

# Create a new Azure DNS Private Resolver
az network dnsresolver create --name MyDnsResolver --resource-group MyResourceGroup

# Create a new DNS resolution rule
az network dnsresolver rule create --name MyDnsResolutionRule --dnsresolver-name MyDnsResolver --resource-group MyResourceGroup --domain-name "" --ip-address ""

Once you've set up Azure DNS Private Resolver, you can configure your Azure pipeline Linux agent to use it. You can do this by adding the following code to your pipeline YAML file:

  vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'

  - task: AzureCLI@1
    displayName: ' Azure CLI '
      azureSubscription: $(azureSubscription)
      scriptType: 'bash'
      script: |
        # Configure the DNS resolver
        sudo tee /etc/resolv.conf > /dev/null <


In conclusion, Azure private link not resolving in Azure pipeline Linux agent is a common issue that can be resolved using one of the three solutions outlined above. By using a custom DNS server, a proxy server, or Azure DNS Private Resolver, you can access your private endpoint from your Azure pipeline Linux agent and ensure that your pipelines run smoothly.

Remember to choose the solution that best fits your needs and requirements. If you're still having trouble, feel free to reach out to the Azure community for further assistance.

Solution Description
Custom DNS Server Use a custom DNS server that supports private DNS zones to resolve the private endpoint.
Proxy Server Use a proxy server to forward requests to the private endpoint and resolve the DNS.
Azure DNS Private Resolver Use Azure DNS Private Resolver to resolve the private endpoint from on-premises networks and Azure virtual networks.

We hope this article has been informative and helpful in resolving the Azure private link not resolving issue in Azure pipeline Linux agent. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Azure private link in Azure pipeline Linux agent not resolving - what's going on?! Let's dive into the troubleshooting journey!

What is Azure Private Link, and how does it affect my Azure pipeline?

Azure Private Link is a service that enables you to access Azure services privately, using a private endpoint. In the context of Azure pipelines, it can cause issues with Linux agents not resolving private links. This is because private links rely on DNS resolution, which might not work as expected in Linux agents.

Why is my Linux agent not resolving the private link?

There are a few reasons why your Linux agent might not be resolving the private link. One common issue is that the Linux agent is not configured to use the correct DNS resolver. You can try setting the `AZURE_PRIVATE_LINK_DNS_RESOLUTION` environment variable to `true` in your pipeline agent to enable DNS resolution for private links.

How can I configure my Linux agent to use a custom DNS resolver for private links?

To configure your Linux agent to use a custom DNS resolver for private links, you can set the `Azure_Private_Link_DNS_Resolution_Config` environment variable to point to your custom DNS resolver configuration file. This file should contain the necessary settings for resolving private links.

Can I use Azure Private Link with a self-hosted Linux agent?

Yes, you can use Azure Private Link with a self-hosted Linux agent. However, you'll need to ensure that your self-hosted agent is configured to use the correct DNS resolver and has access to the private link. You may need to configure your self-hosted agent to use a custom DNS resolver or update your pipeline agent settings to enable private link resolution.

What are some common errors I might encounter when using Azure Private Link with a Linux agent?

Some common errors you might encounter when using Azure Private Link with a Linux agent include DNS resolution failures, connection timeouts, and authentication errors. You can troubleshoot these issues by checking your DNS resolver configuration, verifying your private link settings, and ensuring that your pipeline agent has the necessary credentials to access the private link.