How can I run two different versions of Telerik.Reporting v18 – one targeting .Net 8 and the other .Net Framework 4.6?
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How can I run two different versions of Telerik.Reporting v18 – one targeting .Net 8 and the other .Net Framework 4.6?

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Are you tired of juggling between different .NET frameworks and versions of Telerik.Reporting? Do you want to harness the power of .NET 8 while still supporting legacy applications on .NET Framework 4.6? Look no further! In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of running two different versions of Telerik.Reporting v18, each targeting a different .NET framework.

Why do I need to run multiple versions of Telerik.Reporting?

In today’s fast-paced software development landscape, it’s not uncommon to have multiple projects with different .NET framework requirements. You might have a new project built on .NET 8, leveraging its cutting-edge features and performance enhancements. Meanwhile, you might still have legacy applications stuck on .NET Framework 4.6, requiring support and maintenance.

Telerik.Reporting v18 is a powerful reporting tool that’s compatible with both .NET 8 and .NET Framework 4.6. However, each version has its own set of quirks and requirements. By running multiple versions of Telerik.Reporting, you can cater to the specific needs of each project, ensuring seamless integration and maximum efficiency.

Preparing the Groundwork

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of running multiple versions of Telerik.Reporting, make sure you have the following installed on your system:

  • .NET 8 SDK (or later)
  • .NET Framework 4.6 (or later)
  • Telerik.Reporting v18 (or later)
  • Visual Studio 2022 (or later)

If you’re using an older version of Visual Studio, ensure it’s compatible with .NET 8 and .NET Framework 4.6.

Step 1: Create a New .NET 8 Project

Open Visual Studio 2022 and create a new .NET 8 project. For this example, let’s create a Console App:

dotnet new console -o Net8Project

This will create a new .NET 8 project called “Net8Project” with the necessary files and folders.

Step 2: Install Telerik.Reporting for .NET 8

Next, install the Telerik.Reporting NuGet package for .NET 8:

dotnet add package Telerik.Reporting --version

This will install the latest version of Telerik.Reporting (v18.2.22.116) compatible with .NET 8.

Step 3: Create a New .NET Framework 4.6 Project

Create a new .NET Framework 4.6 project in Visual Studio:

In the “New Project” dialog, select “Windows Forms App (.NET Framework)” and choose .NET Framework 4.6 as the target framework:

Project Type Target Framework
Windows Forms App (.NET Framework) .NET Framework 4.6

Name this project “NetFx46Project”. This will create a new .NET Framework 4.6 project with the necessary files and folders.

Step 4: Install Telerik.Reporting for .NET Framework 4.6

Install the Telerik.Reporting NuGet package for .NET Framework 4.6:

Install-Package Telerik.Reporting -Version

This will install the same version of Telerik.Reporting (v18.2.22.116) compatible with .NET Framework 4.6.

Configuring the Projects

Now that we have both projects set up, let’s configure them to use the respective versions of Telerik.Reporting:

Net8Project (.NET 8)

In the “Net8Project” project, open the “csproj” file and add the following configuration:


NetFx46Project (.NET Framework 4.6)

In the “NetFx46Project” project, open the “csproj” file and add the following configuration:


Running the Projects

Now that both projects are configured, let’s run them to verify that each project is using the correct version of Telerik.Reporting:

Net8Project (.NET 8)

In the “Net8Project” project, set the startup project and run it:

dotnet run

This will launch the .NET 8 Console App, and you should see the Telerik.Reporting v18.2.22.116 assembly loaded in the process.

NetFx46Project (.NET Framework 4.6)

In the “NetFx46Project” project, set the startup project and run it:

This will launch the .NET Framework 4.6 Windows Forms App, and you should see the Telerik.Reporting v18.2.22.116 assembly loaded in the process.


In this article, we’ve demonstrated how to run two different versions of Telerik.Reporting v18, each targeting a different .NET framework (.NET 8 and .NET Framework 4.6). By following these steps, you can efficiently manage multiple projects with different .NET framework requirements, ensuring seamless integration and maximum efficiency.

Remember to update the Telerik.Reporting version numbers and the .NET framework versions according to your specific needs. Happy coding!


Q: Can I use the same Telerik.Reporting version for both .NET 8 and .NET Framework 4.6?

A: Yes, but only if the Telerik.Reporting version is compatible with both .NET frameworks. In this example, we used v18.2.22.116, which is compatible with both .NET 8 and .NET Framework 4.6.

Q: How do I handle differences in Telerik.Reporting APIs between .NET 8 and .NET Framework 4.6?

A: When working with different .NET frameworks, you might encounter differences in Telerik.Reporting APIs. To handle these differences, create separate implementations for each .NET framework, using conditional compilation directives (e.g., #if NETCOREAPP8_0) to isolate the framework-specific code.

Q: Can I use this approach for other .NET frameworks and versions of Telerik.Reporting?

A: Yes, this approach can be applied to other .NET frameworks and versions of Telerik.Reporting, as long as the Telerik.Reporting version is compatible with the target .NET framework.

Frequently Asked Question

Get the most out of Telerik.Reporting with these handy tips on running multiple versions!

Can I install both Telerik.Reporting v18 for .Net 8 and .Net Framework 4.6 on the same machine?

Yes, you can! Since Telerik.Reporting v18 has separate installers for .Net 8 and .Net Framework 4.6, you can install both versions on the same machine without conflicts. Just make sure to use different installation folders and namespace references to avoid any potential issues.

How do I configure my project to use the correct version of Telerik.Reporting?

To configure your project, simply right-click on your project in Visual Studio, select “Manage NuGet Packages,” and install the corresponding Telerik.Reporting package for your target framework (.Net 8 or .Net Framework 4.6). Make sure to update your project references and namespace imports accordingly.

Will I encounter any compatibility issues between Telerik.Reporting v18 for .Net 8 and .Net Framework 4.6?

Telerik.Reporting v18 is designed to be backward compatible, so you shouldn’t encounter any major issues. However, some features or APIs might not be available in both versions, so be sure to check the official Telerik documentation for any specific limitations or differences.

Can I share reports between projects targeting different .Net versions?

While it’s possible to share reports between projects, you’ll need to ensure that the report definition is compatible with both .Net 8 and .Net Framework 4.6. You might need to maintain separate report definitions or use conditional compilation to accommodate differences in functionality or APIs.

Are there any specific considerations for deployment and runtime environments?

Yes, be mindful of the deployment and runtime environments for your applications. Ensure that the correct version of Telerik.Reporting is installed and configured on your production servers, and that your reports are compatible with the target .Net version and runtime environment.

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