Mastering Google Sheets: Creating a Repeating Sequence of Numbers from 7-13
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Mastering Google Sheets: Creating a Repeating Sequence of Numbers from 7-13

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Welcome to the world of Google Sheets, where data magic happens! In this article, we’ll explore the fascinating realm of creating a repeating sequence of numbers from 7-13. Yes, you read that right – we’re about to unlock the secrets of generating a sequence of numbers that repeats itself like a rhythmic dance.

The Why Behind the Sequence

Before we dive into the how-to, let’s talk about why you might need a repeating sequence of numbers from 7-13. Perhaps you’re a:

  • Data analyst working on a project that requires a specific pattern of numbers.
  • Marketing specialist creating a social media calendar with repeating events.
  • Tech-savvy educator developing an interactive lesson plan.
  • Entrepreneur tracking inventory levels or customer interactions.

The Formula Fundamentals

To create a repeating sequence of numbers from 7-13, we’ll rely on a powerful combination of formulas: `SEQUENCE`, `MOD`, and ` ArrayFormula`. Buckle up, as we’re about to explore the inner workings of these formulas!

The `SEQUENCE` Formula

The `SEQUENCE` formula is a game-changer in Google Sheets. It allows you to generate a sequence of numbers based on a starting value, increment, and ending value. The syntax is as follows:

=SEQUENCE(rows, [step], [start])

In our case, we’ll use the `SEQUENCE` formula to generate a sequence of numbers from 1 to infinity (well, not literally, but you get the idea!).

The `MOD` Formula

The `MOD` formula, also known as the modulo operator, returns the remainder of a division operation. In our scenario, we’ll use it to “wrap around” the sequence of numbers from 7-13. The syntax is as follows:

=MOD(number, divisor)

Think of it like a circular calendar: when the sequence reaches 13, it will “reset” to 7, creating a seamless loop.

The `ArrayFormula` Function

The `ArrayFormula` function is the glue that holds our entire operation together. It allows us to apply a formula to an entire range of cells, rather than individual cells. The syntax is as follows:


In our case, we’ll use `ArrayFormula` to apply the `SEQUENCE` and `MOD` formulas to an entire column, creating a dynamic sequence of repeating numbers.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Now that we’ve covered the formula fundamentals, it’s time to put them into action! Follow along as we create a repeating sequence of numbers from 7-13:

  1. Open your Google Sheet and create a new column (e.g., Column A).
  2. In Cell A1, enter the following formula:
=ArrayFormula(MOD(SEQUENCE(ROWS(A:A), 1, 6), 7)+7)

Here’s a breakdown of the formula:

  • `ROWS(A:A)` returns the total number of rows in Column A, which will grow dynamically as we add more data.
  • `SEQUENCE(ROWS(A:A), 1, 6)` generates a sequence of numbers from 6 to infinity, increments of 1.
  • `MOD(…, 7)` takes the sequence and applies the modulo operator, “wrapping around” the numbers from 6-12.
  • Finally, we add 7 to the result, shifting the sequence to start from 7 and end at 13.

As you enter the formula, Google Sheets will automatically populate the entire column with the repeating sequence of numbers from 7-13!

Customizing the Sequence

What if you want to change the sequence to repeat every 5 numbers, starting from 3? No problem! Simply modify the formula as follows:

=ArrayFormula(MOD(SEQUENCE(ROWS(A:A), 1, 2), 5)+3)

In this example, we’ve changed the starting value to 2, the increment to 1, and the modulo divisor to 5. The result is a sequence that repeats every 5 numbers, starting from 3.

Real-World Applications

Now that we’ve mastered the art of creating a repeating sequence of numbers from 7-13, let’s explore some practical applications:

Scenario Formula Modification
Inventory tracking: Repeat every 10 units, starting from 5 =ArrayFormula(MOD(SEQUENCE(ROWS(A:A), 1, 4), 10)+5)
Social media calendar: Repeat every 3 days, starting from 2 =ArrayFormula(MOD(SEQUENCE(ROWS(A:A), 1, 1), 3)+2)
Pattern recognition: Repeat every 4 numbers, starting from 8 =ArrayFormula(MOD(SEQUENCE(ROWS(A:A), 1, 7), 4)+8)

As you can see, the possibilities are endless! By modifying the formula to suit your specific needs, you can create a wide range of repeating sequences.


In this article, we’ve embarked on a journey to create a repeating sequence of numbers from 7-13 using Google Sheets. By combining the `SEQUENCE`, `MOD`, and `ArrayFormula` formulas, we’ve unlocked a powerful tool for generating dynamic patterns. Whether you’re a data analyst, marketer, educator, or entrepreneur, this technique has the potential to revolutionize your workflow.

Remember, the key to mastering Google Sheets lies in understanding the intricacies of each formula and how they can be combined to achieve remarkable results. Practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to experiment and push the boundaries of what’s possible!

Happy spreadsheeting, and until next time, stay formula-tastic!

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the most out of Google Sheets by creating a repeating sequence of numbers from 7-13 with these frequently asked questions!

How do I create a repeating sequence of numbers from 7-13 in Google Sheets?

You can use the SEQUENCE function to create a repeating sequence of numbers from 7-13. The formula would be =SEQUENCE(rows, [columns], 7, 6), where “rows” is the number of rows you want the sequence to repeat, and “[columns]” is optional. The third argument, 7, is the starting number, and the fourth argument, 6, is the increment.

Can I use the RANDBETWEEN function to create a repeating sequence of numbers from 7-13?

While the RANDBETWEEN function can generate random numbers within a specified range, it’s not ideal for creating a repeating sequence. The SEQUENCE function is a more suitable choice for this task, as it allows you to specify a starting point and increment.

How do I repeat the sequence of numbers from 7-13 in a specific range of cells in Google Sheets?

To repeat the sequence of numbers from 7-13 in a specific range of cells, simply enter the SEQUENCE function formula in the top-left cell of the range, and then drag the formula down to fill the desired range.

Can I use the REPT function to create a repeating sequence of numbers from 7-13 in Google Sheets?

The REPT function is used to repeat a text string a specified number of times, but it’s not suitable for creating a sequence of numbers. Instead, use the SEQUENCE function to create a repeating sequence of numbers from 7-13.

Is there a limit to how many times I can repeat the sequence of numbers from 7-13 in Google Sheets?

The SEQUENCE function can repeat the sequence of numbers from 7-13 up to 1,048,576 times, which is the maximum number of rows in a Google Sheet. So, go ahead and repeat away!

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